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Past Programs



Annual Christmas Brunch: Earthquake faults in California and how we use remote sensing to study them

Andrea Donnellan, Ph.D.,

Manager of the Instrument Systems Section at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and a JPL Senior Research Scientist

Thank you to our generous anonymous CCC member who sponsored this program!

Featuring a Montecito Union School Chorus performance, Under the Direction of Pam Herzog


Changing Trends in Middle East Politics
Jerrold D. Green, Ph.D.

Immediate Past President & CEO of the Pacific Council on International Policy 

Global Advisor to Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles

Senior Fellow at the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations




The Impact of Russia's War in Ukraine on the Caucasus:  Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia

​Jennifer S. Wistrand, Ph.D., Deputy Director of the Kennan Institute, Wilson Center, Washington,D.C.

Thanks to Dr. James Bailey, Retired Commander U.S. Navy, Orthopedic Surgeon for “Remembrance of 9/11"

Thanks to Hiroko Benko, our program sponsor!

Viva el Centenario, Fiesta 1924 - 2024
Held at the Santa Barbara Carriage and Western Art Museum

Channel City Club Member Co-hosts:  former La Presidenta Stephanie Petlow & former El Presidente W. Scott Burns

Introducing 2024 Old Spanish Days Dignatarios: El Presidente Brian Schwabecher, El Primer Presidente Fritz Olenberger, El Secundo Presidente Colin Hayward, La Secretaria Marge Romero, El Tesorera / Presidente Pasado Denise Sanford, El Presidente Anterior David Bolton

Performers: Fiesta Spirit Georgey Taupin and Junior Spirit Aleenah Soriano

How the Largest Debt Restructuring in History Helped Save Greece and Preserve the Eurozone
Charles H. Dallara, Ph.D. Author of the newly released book: Euroshock


Britain and the US post-Brexit

David Ruffley, Former Member of Parliament (18 years)

Thank you to our Program Sponsor: Chris Lancashire 


Great Power Competition in Space
Maj Kenneth Bell, USAF, Faculty, National Intelligence University, Global Security Intelligence Studies Dept.

Thank you to our Program Sponsors: Mary Anne Harrison & Doug Thorpe

China Perspectives

Rear Admiral John F. Weigold, IV, Retired, United States Navy Retired, United States NavyRADM Weigold retired from the Navy in 2017.  He serves as a faculty member and lecturer at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale University.

Thank you to our Program Sponsors: Kevin and Lori Snyder


Annual Christmas Brunch: Soldier of the Airwaves, Defending Democracy One Song at a Time
George A. Smith, DJ / Newscaster / Author Extraordinaire

Thank you to our Program Sponsors:

Gary Simpson, Owner, Santa Barbara Home Improvement Center


Reid & Robin Cederlof



CCC/CFR event: The current role of Naval Special Warfare (NSW) in Great Power Competition, Counter-Terrorism (CT) and Crisis Response

Captain Richard J. Witt, Director of Strategy, Policy and Assessments for NSW

Thanks to our Program Sponsor: M. Jan Akre, Attorney, Anderson & Anderson Law, P.C.


CCC/CFR event: Hostage Politics in International Relations
Hugh T. Dugan, international affairs practitioner and scholar

Thanks to our Program Sponsor: Farmers and Merchants Trust Company


CFR Presentation: Views from Bosnia & Herzegovina and North Macedonia
OSCE Ambassador Brian Aggeler & U.S. Ambassador Angela Aggeler

CCC/CFR Event: Let's Fiesta

El Presidente David Bolton welcomed CCC/CFR members and guests as we celebrated the 99th year of Santa Barbara’s Old Spanish Days Fiesta at the Carriage & Western Art Museum. Fiesta honors and and  preserves Santa Barbara’s history, spirit, culture, heritage, and traditions



CFR Presentation: Empowering Growth - Securing Prosperity and Stability for the American People: The Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs at the U.S. Department of State
Pauletta Walsh, Public Affairs Officer, U. S.  Dept. of State, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs


CCC/CFR Luncheon: Violence is never the answer

Monty Roberts "The man who listens to horses"

Thanks to the Hosts: Pete and Gerd Jordano


CFR Presentation: The Nexus of Policy, Power and Money
The Honorable Henrietta Holsman Fore, Immediate Past Executive Director UNICEF; Chmn.& CEO Holsman International


CCC/CFR in Collaboration with the Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation
Luncheon Program: 80th Anniversary: Guadalcanal & North Africa “America Strikes Back

Presenters: John Blankenship & Sheriff Bill Brown 


CFR Presentation: Putin’s Weltanschaung:  Intellectual Roots of the War Against Ukraine
Arthur R. Rachwald, Professor Emeritus, Political Science Dept – U.S. Naval Academy for 34 years; Currently Professorial Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Austria


CCC/CFR in Collaboration with the Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation Luncheon Program
80 Years On: Pearl Harbor; Doolittle’s historic raid of Tokyo; and the Battle of Midway
Presenters: John Blankenship, Bill Brown and Rudolph Willrich
Moderator: Brooks Firestone


CFR Presentation: Putin’s War on Ukraine
Colleen Graffy, Law professor at Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law in Malibu, California; former U.S. State Dept. Ass’t Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy/Europe & Eurasia


CFR Presentation: Putin’s War on Ukraine, Part Two: The Economic Dimensions
Benjamin J. Cohen, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, UC Santa Barbara; Louis G. Lancaster Professor of International Political Economy at UCSB

CCC/CFR Event: The Last President of Europe, Emmanuel Macron's Race to Revive France and Save the World

Author William Drozdiak, former editor and foreign correspondent, Washington Post


Annual Fiesta Party
Santa Barbara Western Art & Carriage Museum
Presented by Old Spanish Days 2022:  featured Junior and Senior Spirits of Fiesta; La Presidente Maria Cabrera; & other Dignatarios


CFR Presentation: Brazilian Democracy at the Crossroads (Brazil Presidential election beg. Oct. 1, 2022)
Kathleen Bruhn, Professor & Chair Department of Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara

CCC/CFR Event: The Revolutions & Innovations Around Us
The Honorable Henrietta Holsman Fore, Immediate Past Executive Director UNICEF; Chmn.& CEO Holsman International
In Conversation with Professor Colleen Graffy


CFR Presentation: 40 Years of Resistance by the Women of Iran Culminates in a National Movement that has the Attention of the World

Maryam Zar, Iranian American member LA City Commission on the Status of Women; former editor & advertising executive; founder Womenfound


CCC/CFR Annual Christmas Brunch

Topic: Asia Update

Speaker: Arthur I. Cyr, Ph.D., Director & A.W. & Mary Margaret Clausen Distinguished Professor of Political Economy & World Business, Kenosha, Wisconsin; former President, Chicago World Trade Center

Featuring: Montecito Union School 6th Grade Chorus - Pam Herzog, Director

2021 In-Person Events

CFR Event: Reconnect!
Held at the University Club. Committee on Foreign Relations members welcomed  their 2021 Young Leaders graduating from UCSB, two of whom attended American Committees on Foreign Relations Young Leaders Initiative program in Washington, DC August 11-15, 2021.  Every year, since the inception of YLI the CCC/CFR members have underwritten two local students to participate in the program with students from constituent committees from across the country. 

CFR Event:  Brian and Angela Aggeler
Brian Aggeler: Charge d’Affairs, U. S. Embassy, France;   Angela Aggeler: Charge d’Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Pakistan
U.S. Foreign Policy in Transition:  Views from France and Pakistan

Celebrating Fiesta honoring  2021 Old Spanish Days officers at Santa Barbara Western Art & Carriage Museum

In Collaboration with the Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation, Santa Barbara

A remembrance luncheon in recognition of the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain


Towards a Community of Democracies, Is there a Values-based Approach to Global Challenge? 
Thomas E. Garrett, Secretary General of the Community of Democracies (CoD)


A Visit to the The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum 

FBI Exhibit Lunch and Tour  with guest speaker: Bobby Chacon, former FBI Agent

Perspectives on the latest pivotal developments in Afghanistan; the US role now and future prospects

CFR Event: Ambassador Omar Samad 

Winter Brunch and presentation on The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict
With author Elbridge Colby

During the time when we were unable to hold our luncheon programs and other in-person events,
we had the benefit of timely Webinars/Zoom programs presented by experts at eminent policy institutes through American Committees on Foreign Relations.

“How Will the Coronavirus Pandemic Impact Great Power Competition?” (Hudson Institute; March 31, 2020)

“Disinformation Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic”  (Wilson Center; April 7, 2020)

"The Food Supply During the Pandemic:  Facts from the Front Line" (Heritage Foundation; April 13, 2020)

“COVID-19 and the U.S.-China Relationship: Collision or Collaboration?”  (National Committee on U.S.- China Relations; April 14, 2020)

“U.S. Global Leadership Amid Contested Globalism: The Next 25 Years.” (Hudson Institute; April 20, 2020) This was followed by ACFR’s annual meeting.

“Nuclear Deterrence for the 21st Century”  (Heritage Foundation & Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA); May 5, 2020)

“Putin and Russia: The Global Road Ahead” with Robert Donaldson, Ph.D. Director, Tulsa CFR & Erich Frankland, Director Casper CFR  (May 7, 2020) 

“In Russia’s Shadow:  China’s Rising Security Presence?”  (Kennan Institute, May 27, 2020)

“Making Sense of a World in Crisis —  Through the Eyes of a Foreign Policy Expert” with Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations (July 13, 2020)

"Explore the Peace Trail on the National Mall" (The United States Institute of Peace, August 13, 2020)

"U.S.-Africa Policy Before, During, & After Covid-19" featuring Judd Devermont, Director of the CSIS Africa Program.  
(Tuesday, August 25)

"US-China Relations: A New Cold War?"  Hosted by Dr. Mohsen Milani, Founding Executive Director of the Center for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies at the University of South Florida (September 10, 2020)

“U.S.-Russia Relations in the 21st Century: "Balancing Competition and Cooperation" Hosted by Denver Council on Foreign Relations featuring Ambassador John Beryle. (October 8, 2020)

Heritage Foundation Webinar:  "The Fight to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine The Inside Story of the Administration’s Operation Warp Speed" Moderated By: Thomas Spoehr, Director, Center for National Defense, The Heritage Foundation and Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Ret. Gen. Spoehr spoke here last December, during our Christmas luncheon program. (October 27, 2020)

Zoom Meeting: “US National Interests and the World Health Organization” ACFR-exclusive presentation featuring Dr. Stephen Morrison, Senior Vice President and Director of the Global Health Policy Center at CSIS) (November 10, 2020)

"Where is America Likely Headed in the Middle East?" ACFR Event featuring Ambassador Dennis Ross. (November 17, 2020)

"Looking Ahead at U.S.-Russian Relations in the Next Administration" American Committees on Foreign Relations event, hosted by the Kennan Institute. Speaker: Michael Kimmage Moderator: Jill Dougherty (December 1, 2020)

"Critical Minerals & US National Security" Organized by the Denver Council on Foreign Relations featuring Dr. Morgan Bazilian. (January 19, 2021)

"Will US-Russia Relations Ever Recover?" Organized by Denver Council on Foreign Relations featuring Dr. Fiona Hill (February 9, 2021)

"Biden and the U.S. Global Role: Restoring America’s Moral Voice"  Organized by Salt Lake Committee on Foreign Relations featuring Lawrence J. Haas (February 17, 2021)


​"Brexit: What's Next for Britain, the European Union, and the United States?" Organized by Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations featuring Ted Bromund, Michelle Egan, and Jim Hollifield (February 19, 2021)


"Women's Gains in Afghanistan: Healthcare’s Essential Role" Organized by the Atlantic Council, in partnership with the U.S. - Afghan Women’s Council and the American Council on Women, Peace and Security. Featuring Rear Admiral Shoshana Chatfield, President, U.S. Naval War College and former Provincial Reconstruction Team commander; Diwa Samad, Special Aide to the President of AFG and Former Deputy Minister for Policy and Planning, Afghan Ministry of Health; and Mariam Bayat, Director, Bayat Foundation. (February 26, 2021)


"Transatlantic Renewal? A New Era for German-American Relations" Featuring Ricklef Beutin. Hosted by the Denver Council on Foreign Relations in conjunction with the American Council on Germany. (March 11, 2021)


"The Importance of Getting US-Mexico Relations Right" Featuring Ambassador Earl Anthony (Tony) Wayne. Hosted by the Salt Lake City Committee on Foreign Relations. (March 17, 2021)

"Women's Gains in Afghanistan: Leadership & Peace" Hosted by the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center, the U.S.-Afghan Women’s Council (USAWC), and the American Council on Women, Peace and Security (ACWPS). Featured speakers: Minister Hasina Safi, Fatima Gailani, and Lt. Colonel Natalie Trogus. (March 23, 2021)

"The Civilian - Military Relationship Today" Hosted by the Denver Council on Foreign Relations. Featuring General George W. Casey. (April 7, 2021)

“An Unfinished Foundation: The United Nations and Global Environmental Governance" Presented by the Louisville Committee on Foreign Relations. Featuring Dr. Ken Conca (April 13, 2021)

"U.S. National Security Issues Today- Like Never Before!" Hosted by the Denver Council on Foreign Relations. Featuring Dr. Lewis Griffith. (April 14, 2021)

"Russia and NATO: Past, Present, and Future" Hosted by the Des Moines Committee. Featuring William H. Hill and Colonel Jason P. Gresh. (April 20, 2021)

"Myanmar’s Coup: International Shockwaves and Prospects for Peace and Democracy" Hosted by the Salt Lake City Committee on Foreign Relations. Featuring Jason Tower. (April 21, 2021)

"The Next Phase of U.S. Engagement in Afghanistan" Hosted by the Salt Lake City Committee on Foreign Relations. Featuring Annie Pforzheimer. (May 19th, 2021)


1/28/20  CFR special presentation by Santa Barbara’s 2019 delegates to ACFR’s Young Leaders Conference held in Washington D.C., with Alex Alobeydi and Shannon Smith.

1/24/20    Daniel Benaim
America, Iran, and Saudi Arabia – Past, Present, Future


2/28/19  A Fireside Chat with Anita DeFrantz and Corine Taylor
In collaboration with the National Association of Corporate Directors, Southern California Chapter, and California State University Channel Islands
The Olympics


3/11/19  Macroeconomic Forecast: Recognizing and Addressing Opportunities and Risks

In collaboration with the National Association of Corporate Directors, Southern California Chapter and Loyola Marymount University

Economic Forecast Presentation:
Sung Won Sohn, PH.D., Professor of Business at Loyola-Marymount University

Followed by a Panel of Corporate Directors and Q&A with:
Dr. Karen Bogart
Kim Hunter

Susan Stevens

April 24 – 26, 2019
For CFR Members:
American Committees on Foreign Relations, 24th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. 
US Interests in Latin America

In collaboration with the Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation

The 75th Anniversary of D-Day at Normandy
The memory lives on!

Visit to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum

Presentation of The World of da Vinci

For CFR Members: 
Tacos and Conversation


Visit to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum

Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch


9/19/19    Michael Kimmage

U.S. - Russian Relations: the Anatomy of a Crisis

Committee on Foreign Relations ‘Off the Record’ Reception

National Security Expert Fred Fleitz

10/30/19   Steve Elkins

The Lost City of the Monkey God: 
Legends, Discoveries, and Consequences

Annual Holiday Event

Speaker: Thomas Spoehr
Countering the Rising Challenge of China:  An Appraisal of U.S. Capabilities and Approaches



1/22/18  Ryan Crocker, U.S. Ambassador Ret.
Middle East Meltdown: Causes and Consequences

2/8/18   General William J. Begert, USAF Ret.
Reality of North Korea

3/6/18  Sung Won Sohn, Ph.D.                            
Karen Bogart, Ph.D.
Mr. Raymond Link
Ms. Susan Main

CCC/CFR in collaboration with the National Association of Corporate Directors, Southern California Chapter, and California State University Channel Islands:  Dealing with Uncertainty as a Director, Manager, Investor, and Citizen

4/9/18  Commander Richard J. Witt
In Partnership with the Santa Barbara Navy League
How Special Operations Forces Defeated ISIS in Iraq and Syria

5/14/18  Rex and Keiko Ziak

Founders: The Obon Society
Writing the Final Chapter of World War ll
The Return of Japanese Flags to Japanese Families

6/28/18  Ambassador Anthony Wayne

Why NAFTA and US-Mexico Relations Are Important to You

7/26/18  Heidi August

CIA Senior Intelligence Service Officer, ret.

8/10/18 Committee on Foreign Relations:  Coffee and Conversation
Christine Dal Bello
Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Consulate General in Dubai
Sita Raiter
Consular Officer, Dubai, Department of State


9/20/18  Special Event for Members of the Santa Barbara Committee on Foreign Relations

Presentation by John Blankenship, Founder, Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation

Knights of the Sky:  Legends of the Fighter Pilot Aces of WWll

10/9/18 Twelfth Annual CHINA Town Hall

National Web Cast speaker:  Condoleezza Rice

On-site speaker:  Henry Levine

The Economic Reality of U.S./China Relations

10/24/19  William H. Hill, Ph.D.
Author, No Place for Russia: European Security Institutions Since 1989

12/3/18  Annual Holiday Event

Speaker: Julian Nott
World renown scientific balloon designer & experimental test pilot

Topic: Intellectual Courage 2.0
Continuing Adventure, Exploration and Discovery


1/11/17  Sally Pipes

After Obamacare: The Path Forward on Health Care Reform

2/2/17  Craig Groves

Global Challenges, Global Solutions – Charting a Sustainable Future for the Planet

2/22/17  José R. Cárdenas

What will the Trump Presidency Mean for Latin America?

3/9/17  Glenn Frankel

Author, High Noon: The Hollywood Blacklist and the making of an American Classic

3/28/17  Dr. Sung Won Sohn
Dr. Karen Bogart
Mr. Raymond Link
Ms. Susan Stevens

CCC/CFR in collaboration with the National Association of Corporate Directors, Southern California Chapter, and California State University Channel Islands:  Post Election and Its Economic Implications


In Partnership with Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation

Over There - The Great War 100 Years on

4/19/17  Sally Bedell Smith

Author, Prince Charles - The Passions and Paradoxes of an Improbable Life

5/16/17  Ambassador Omar Samad

America’s Longest War: Lessons learned and the Way Forward in Afghanistan

6/12/17  Anton Barbashin & Olga Irisova

Decrypting Russia Three Years after Crimea

6/26/17  Special Preview
“Old Spanish Days Fiesta 2017”

7/25/17  Rachel Stohl

Drones and Conventional Weapons and the Trump Administration


Special exhibit at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum
Titanic at the Reagan Library

10/2/17  Jeff Greenfield

What if? Turning Points in American Politics

10/24/17  11th Annual CHINA Town Hall

National Webcast Speaker: Ambassador Susan E. Rice

Local Speaker: Christopher Twomey, Ph.D.
Managing the China Challenge in the Asia Pacific.

11/13/17  James Ketterer, Ph.D.

Jazz Diplomacy: Representing the Opportunities and Challenges of American Democracy

12/6/17  Annual Holiday Event

Speaker: Lori Marino, Ph.D. 
Dolphins and Whales: Brainiacs of the Sea


1/25/16  Marilyn Brant Chandler DeYoung

Author, Remarkable Women of California

2/1/16  Excursion Tour to Ronald Reagan Library

Robert Gates, Author 
A Passion for Leadership: Lessons on Change and Reform from Fifty Years of Public Service

3/1/16  General William J. Begert

Rebuilding Today’s US Air Force

3/31/16  Russ Haft

The Case of the Disappearing Digital Legacy

4/11/16  Ambassador Jeffrey D. Levine (ret.)

Thoughts on Foreign Affairs

4/26/16  Christos Nicola

Author, The Secret of Priest's Grotto


In Partnership with Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation

The Forgotten War, Korea 66 Years On...


In partnership with the Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics, CSU,Channel Islands and the National Association of Corporate Directors, Southern California Chapter and CCC/CFR

The Global Economy and Corporate Governance Implications

6/8/16  Sebastian Junger

Author, TRIBE, On Homecoming and Belonging

6/23/16  Peter Doran

Author, Breaking Rockefeller: The Inside Story of the Ambitious Rivals who Toppled an Oil Empire

7/22/16  Rachel Stohl

Grading Progress on US Drone Policy

9/22/16  Peggy (Margaret) Sands Orchowski Ph.D.

How Terrorism and the Migration/Refugee Crisis Have Changed the Immigration Reform Debate

10/18/16  10th Annual China Town Hall

National webcast featuring The Honorable Henry Kissinger

On-site commentary with: Amy Celico

What are the prospects for U.S.-China relations amidst political change in Washington D.C.?

11/14/16  Craig Nelson

Author, Pearl Harbor: From Infamy to Greatness

12/08/16  Annual Holiday Event

Speaker: Meg Lowman, Ph.D. 

Saving the Forests of Ethiopia, One Church at a Time and Other Adventures of an Arbornaut


1/1/15  Excursion Tour 126th Rose Parade, themed “Inspiring Stories” 
Pasadena, California

1/14/15  Rear Admiral Herman A. Shelanski

War of 1812 and Today’s Navy

2/2/15  Robert F. Hemphill

Author, Dust Tea, Dingoes and Dragons: Adventures in culture, cuisine and commerce from a globe-trekking executive

2/16/15  Dante Di Loreto

Interviewed by John Palminteri.

2/26/15  Fourth Annual WWII Symposium
In Partnership with  Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation

70 YEARS ON: Boots on the Sands of Iwo Jima

3/12/15  John M. Owen IV

Author, Confronting Political Islam: Six Lessons from the West’s Past

4/15/15  Jan C. Harzan

The Truth About UFO’s

5/6/15  Blaine Harden

Author, The Great Leader and the Fighter Pilot

5/27/15  Colonel Christopher Starling, USMC (Ret.)

" Defeating Islamic Jihadists:  Islamic Tribal Alliances and the Way Forward

6/15/15  Charlotte Ponticelli

The Situation of Women in Afghanistan: Priorities, Challenges and Possibilities

7/16/15  Dirk Rosen

The Magnificent Ocean Wilderness of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

8/19/15  Lori Jensen Nelson

Identity Theft

Event in collaboration with Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation

Vietnam: The War and Its Veterans 50 years On

10/5/15  9th Annual China Town Hall

National webcast: Robert Rubin, Mayor Sheldon Day and Mr. Daniel Rosen
Topic: Chinese Investment in the United States

On-site commentary with: Ira Kasoff
Topic: China at a Crossroads?

10/26/15  Steven Lee Myers

Author, The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin

11/17/15  Steven P. Bucci, Ph.D.

A National Security Tour de Force: Threats, Strategic Environment & US Capabilities?

12/8/15  Annual Holiday Luncheon Program

Speaker: Sam Tyler
West of the West - Tales from California’s Channel Islands


1/15/14  Christian Whiton

Author, Smart Power: Between Diplomacy and War

2/3/14  Bonnie Erbé

Birth Tourism in Southern California

2/19/14  Peter Grossman, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Innovations in Burn Care:  Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

3/10/14  Sung Won Sohn, Ph.D.

What is right with the American Economy

3/31/14  Dave Foreman

Author, Man Swarm - Wildlife Conservation in the 21st Century

4/14/14  Les Campbell & Scott Mastic

Is Democracy Sustainable in the Middle East? A Post-Arab Spring Status Report and Discussion of Future Prospects

4/30/14  Husain Haqqani

Author, MAGNIFICENT DELUSIONS: Pakistan, the United States, and an Epic History of Misunderstanding

5/8/14  Third Annual WWII Symposium
In Partnership with Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation
70th Anniversary of D-Day at Normandy


5/20/14  Fred Fleitz

U.S. National Security After the Snowden Leak

5/31/14  Captain Christopher Bolt, Commanding Officer, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76)

In Partnership with the Santa Barbara Navy League

7/15/14  Rachel Stohl

A Drone by any Other Name: Developing a Sensible US UAV Policy (unmanned aerial vehicle)

9/15/14  James C. Clad

The World Politics of a Changing Energy Landscape

9/29/14  Lucinda Franks

Author, Timeless:  Love, Morgenthau, and Me

With Hughes Aircraft Retiree Association & The Ratkovich Company Excursion Tour:
The Hercules Campus Formerly The Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California

10/16/14  8th Annual U.S. - China Town Hall

Live Webcast Featuring President Jimmy Carter

On-site commentary with Anthony J. Spires

11/03/14  Sandy Webster

The Amazing World of Equine Assisted Therapy

12/10/14  Annual Holiday Luncheon Program

Speaker: Kristin Larson, Adventurer, Scientist and Attorney


1/11/13  Richard K. Davis

Sustaining Momentum: Delivering Consistent, Predictable and Repeatable Performance

1/23/13  Blaine C. Harden

Author, Escape from Camp 14: Beyond the Electric Fence: One Man’s Odyssey from North Korea to the West

2/11/13  Ambassador Vicki Huddleston (ret.)

The Growing Al-Qaeda Threat in Africa: From Mali to Djibouti

2/25/13  Max Boot

Author, Invisible Armies: The Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present

3/06/13  Alex Hitz

Author, My Beverly Hills Kitchen: Classic Southern Cooking with A French Twist

3/21/13  Philip French

Implications of Post-Chavez Venezuela

4/19/13  WWII Symposium

70 Years on…….Celebrating the “Bomber Boys” of WWII

5/13/13  Shashank Bengali

Covering U.S. national security from Kabul to Capital Hill

6/25/13  The Honorable Michael H. Corbin, United States Ambassador to the UAE

UAE: global crossroads in a changing Middlle East

7/23/13  Chuck McFadden

Jerry Brown: Our Enigma

9/30/13  Stuart Taylor, Jr.

How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It's Intended to Help - and Some Proposals for Reform

10/28/13  7th U.S. - China Town Hall

Live Webcast: The Honorable Madeleine Albright

Local speaker: C. Cindy Fan, PhD.

11/13/13  Victoria Schofield

Why Kashmir is Important

12/11/13  Annual Holiday Luncheon Program

Speaker: Julian Nott


1/30/12  Sally Bedell Smith

Author, Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch

2/13/12  Philip Taubman

Nuclear Hotspots, Nuclear Abolition

2/24/12  Daniel Ellsberg, Ph.D.

Myths of Nuclear Deterrence

3/22/12  Samuel Tadros

Understanding Egyptian Politics Today

4/04/12  Mark K. Updegrove

Author, Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency

4/19/12  WWII SymposiumA Tribute to Fighter Pilots

5/02/12  Margaret Sands Orchowski, Ph.D.

The New Immigration Battleground: Educated Migrants

5/18/12  Benjamin Cohen, Ph.D.

The World Economy Today:  Would Louis Lancaster be Surprised?

6/07/12  C. Michael Smith, Ph.D.

Transitions in Afghanistan and the American University of Afghanistan

6/19/12  Edward Handler and Laura Dugan, M.D.

The Bronx Project, Finding Effective Treatments for Critical Central Nervous System Diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Schizophrenia, and ALS/Lou Gehrig's Disease)

7/13/12  Shamim Jawad

Founder and President Ayenda Foundation

8/28/12  Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, M.D. and Kathryn Bowers

Authors, Zoobiquity: What Animals Can Teach Us About Health and the Science of Healing

9/13/12  D. Kenneth Richardson

Hughes After Howard – The Story of Hughes Aircraft Company

9/20/12  Excursion to Special Disney ExhibitReagan Presidential Library & Museum in Simi Valley 
(Special Event for CCC & CFR members)

10/10/12  Joe Louis Barrow, Jr.

The First Tee's Impact on Today's Youth

10/19/12  Pamela Constable

Playing with Fire: Pakistan at War with Itself (Special CFR Event)

10/23/12  Rear Admiral Mark L. Tidd, Chief of Navy Chaplains

Navy Chaplain Corps: Inspiring Hope and Resiliency

10/29/12  6th US-China Town Hall

Webcast featuring US Amb. Gary Locke

Local speaker Daniel Lynch

11/09/12  Elizabeth Overton Colton, Ph.D.

Global Foreign Policy Challenges Confronting the Next Administration

12/11/12  Annual Holiday Luncheon

Speaker: Jim Newton
Editor-at-large, Los Angeles Times

12/14/12  An American Christmas"Excursion: An exhibit at Reagan Presidential Library & Museum in Simi Valley


1/18/11  Douglas Johnson

California's next experiment: independent, public redistricting

2/04/11  Robert D. Langenkamp

Ten Things You Know About Energy that are Wrong - and Dangerous

2/15/11  James Robbins

Author, This Time We Win: Revisiting the Tet Offensive

3/01/11  Hon. Christian Prosl

Austria, Europe, the United States and Beyond...

3/21/11  Nathan Springer, Major, U. S. Army

Beyond the Basics: Translating U.S. National Strategy to Tactical Success in Afghanistan

3/28/11  Professor George Luchiri Wajackoya

Candidate for President, Kenya

5/19/11  Duke Blackwood

An overview of the newly renovated Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

5/26/11  Amb Pierre-Richard Prosper

The International Criminal Court and Sudan and Libya: Help or Hindrance?

6/06/11  Sebastian Junger

Author, War

6/21/11  Lt. General Susan Helms

A Commander's Perspective

6/28/11  Scott Frisch and Sean Kelly

Author, CHEESE FACTORIES ON THE MOON: Why Earmarks are Good for American Democracy

7/26/11  Thomas Sanders

Author, The Last Good War - The Faces & Voices of World War II

8/29/11  Special Invitation to:The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum, Simi Valley, CA

9/09/11  Jeff Greenfield

Twists of Fate - How a very different American history almost happened, based on his recent book THEN EVERYTHING CHANGED

9/27/11  Hon. John F. Maisto, U.S. Ambassador, ret.

Transitions to Democracy and U.S. Policy - Never Easy!

10/10/11  Rachel Ehrenfeld, Ph.D.

Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It

10/28/11  Barry A. Sanders

Author, American Avatar: The United States in the Global Imagination

11/16/11  U.S.- China Town Hall

A national day of programming on China involving 50 cities throughout the United States

11/30/11  Rod Smolla

Freedom of Speech in Modern America

12/08/11  Annual Holiday Luncheon Program

Speaker: Fred Kavli


1/06/10  Kenneth S. Kosik, MD

Staying Cognitively Fit

1/29/10  Ann Louise Bardach

Conversing with Sander Vanocur on the subject of her latest best selling book Without Fidel: A Death Foretold in Miami, Havana and Washington

2/25/10  Ambassador Max M. Kampelman

Ronald Reagan's Dream of a Nuclear Weapons-Free World

2/27/10  Michael Corbin

Iraq: the run-up to next month's national elections and the changing nature of U.S. presence

3/31/10  Jerry Roberts

How California Became Ungovernable

4/15/10 Paul Marshall

Tension Between Islam and the West

4/22/10  Pat Cadell

Political strategist and pollster

5/13/10  Mike Tollefson

Providing For Yosemite's Future

5/21/10 June Fisher

Author, When Money Was in Fashion: Henry Goldman, Goldman Sachs, and the Founding of Wall Street

6/16/10  Annette Ridenour

Transforming the Health Care Experience

6/24/10  James Prevor

The Globalization of Food: The Upside and the Downside

6/29/10  Amb. Kenneth S. Yalowitz

Climate Change and Security Challenges in the Arctic and Pacific Regions

7/8/10  Bruce Herschensohn

Author, An American Amnesia: The Vietnam Stigma and the Current Obama Foreign Policy

8/23/10  Damon Dunn

Mad as Hell

8/31/10  Deborah Lauter

Religious Freedom-Cyberbullying-Hate Speech-Immigration-Extremism

9/8/10  Steve Whitaker, Ph.D.

The politics of forwards and backwards: the final months of the 111th Congress

9/30/10  Mike Marshall

Executive Director, Restore Hetch Hetchy

10/6/10  CCC Social Welcoming new members at the SB Maritime Museum

10/18/10  Paul Haenle

Issues in U.S.-China Relations

10/27/10 Gil Garcetti

Author, From D.A to Photographer: OJ Simpson to Women, Water, and Wells in West Africa

11/4/10  Suzanne Baer, Ph.D.

Creative Longevity: The Art of Aging

11/15/10  Rex Ziak

The Rise and Fall of John Jacob Astor's Pacific Empire Dream

12/1/10  Amb. Marc Ginsberg

The Battle for Hearts & Minds in the Arab World

12/8/10  Annual Holiday Program

Speaker: Robert L. Forbes
Publisher of ForbesLife, Author, LET'S HAVE A BITE! A Banquet of Beastly Feasts Illustrated by Ronald Searle


1/27/09  Mr. Tamim Khallaf

Iran's Nuclear Standoff: Motivations, Implications, and Possible Future Scenarios

2/11/09  Jim Maddy

Association of Zoos & Aquariums Throughout North America

2/19/09  Melvin Goodman

The U.S. Intelligence Structure - Prospects for Reform under the Obama Administration

3/2/09  John C. Hulsman, Ph.D. and A. Wess Mitchell

The Godfather Doctrine: What America's Favorite Movie Can Teach Us About Foreign Policy

3/30/09  Thomas C. Reed

A Political History of Nuclear Weapons, 1938-2008

4/21/09  Vladimir Kvint, Ph.D.

Global Emerging Markets and the Formation of new Global Order

4/30/09  Edward Humes

Eco Barons - The Dreamers, Schemers, and Millionaires Who Are Saving Our Planet

4/20/09  Lynn Scarlett

Changing Climate, Changing World

6/3/09  John Walters

Mexico's Drug Problem and Ours

6/17/09  Martin Anderson & Annelise Anderson

Reagan's Secret War - The Untold Story of His Fight to Save the World From Nuclear Disaster

7/8/09  Michael Cutler

Amnesty and the Nexus between Immigration and National Security

8/20/09  Cdr. Fred Kacher

Life Onboard the Navy's Newest Destroyer - Its Mission, Its People, and Its Namesake

9/14/09  Sung Won Sohn, Ph.D.

Is the Economic Crisis Over

9/19/09  Venoco Seep Tour

Venoco provides tours giving us a close up view of the "World's Most Spectacular Seeps"

9/29/09  Laurie Firestone

An Insider's View of White House Entertaining

10/8/09  Rich Slater, Ph.D.

Three underwater adventures featuring a Tragedy, a Treasure, and Living Under the Sea

10/22/09  Robert Haffa, Jr. Ph.D.

Space Defense and Satellite Warfare

10/30/09  M. Nadir Atash, Ph.D.

Turbulence - The Tumultuous Journey of One Man's Quest for Change In Afghanistan


Keynote Speaker: George ShultzA Program to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall will be presented at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation in Simi Valley, CA

11/12/09  Fred Gluck

What Would Real Health Care Reform Look Like?

12/9/09  Holiday Luncheon

Speaker: Joseph Sohm

Visions of America: Photographing Democracy


1/10/08  Michael Corbin

Syria, The U.S. and the Arab World

2/11/08  Stuart Taylor, Jr.

The Duke Lacrosse Rape Fraud: Law Enforcement Crimes, Media Bias, Academic Rot

2/26/08  Amb. Vicki Huddleston (ret.)

Memories of Fidel - U.S. Policy in Post-Fidel Cuba

3/10/08  Kenneth Jacobson

Challenges Facing the Middle East

3/25/08  Heather Ewing

The Lost World of James Smithson

4/3/08  Lynn Scarborough

Talk Like Jesus

4/14/08  Bianca Jagger

Our World at the Tipping Point

5/6/08  Marshall Goldman

Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the New Russia

6/4/08  Amb. Donald K. Bandler

Building Bridges Across US and International Divides

6/18/08 CSUCIA visit the Cal State University Channel Islands Campus


Venoco Seep TourAn opportunity to learn more about the natural oil and gas seeps near Coal Oil Point aboard the Condor Express

7/28/08  Charles Wolf, Jr.

Looking Backward and Forward: Policy Issues in the Twenty-First Century

9/11/08  Gayle Beebe, Ph.D.

The Essence of Effective Leadership: Eight Key Principles I Learned from Peter Drucker

9/22/08  William A. Chatfield

The Selective Service and Patriotism

9/29/08  Michael Hais & Morley Winograd

Millennial Makeover: MySpace, YouTube & The Future of American Politics

10/9/08  Margaret Sands Orchowski

Immigration and the American Dream: Battling the Political Hype and Hysteria

10/24/08  Kenneth Khachigian

McCain vs Obama: The Outlook with 11 Days Remaining

11/6/08  S. James Nelson, Jr.

Oil Seeps & Sustainable Infrastructure, An Energy Industry Executive Tackles Oil Seep Solutions

11/18/08  Elie D. Krakowski

The War on Terror: Are we really at war? The role of perception

12/1/08  Maxwell Taylor Kennedy

Author, Dangers Hour: The story of the USS Bunker Hill and the Kamikaze pilot who Crippled Her

12/9/08  Holiday Program

Speaker: Judy Pochini

Italian Christmas in San Francisco


1/25/2007  Pauline Baker, Ph.D.

Weak & Failing States: What are they? How do we recognize them? What do they signify? How should we respond?

2/7/2007  Karna Bodman

Behind the scenes view of Ronald Reagan's years as President

2/21/2007  Isaac Cohen, PhD.

Are We Losing Latin America, Or Was it Ours to Lose?

2/28/2007  Myra McPherson

Author, All Governments Lie! The Life and Times of Rebel Journalist I.F. Stone

3/16/2007  Stedman Graham

Diversity: Leaders Not Labels

3/22/2007  Amb. Edward Masters

Can Indonesia's New Democracy Defeat Radical Islam?

3/29/2007  Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gordon Cucullu

Deadly Connections: The Array of Threats Against America

4/17/2007  Phillip C. Saunders, Ph.D.

China's Global Activism: Strategy, Drivers, and Tools

4/30/2007  Colleen Graffy

How America is Changing its Image Abroad

5/23/2007  Gordon G. Chang

North Korea (plus China) Take on the World

6/21/2007  Hans van den Dool

The Netherlands and the United States 225 years of Diplomatic Relations

7/18/2007  Tony Raphael

The Mexican Mafia

8/29/2007  Tanya Biank

Army Wives: The Unwritten Code of Military Marriages

9/12/2007  Lisa See

Author, Peony in Love

9/19/2007  U.S. Marine Col. James D. McGinley

Is the War in Iraq winnable? Why are we there? Is it worth the fight?

10/4/07  Mike German

Thinking Like a Terrorist - Insights of a Former FBI Undercover Agent

10/15/2007  Pat Clark Doerner

Author, The Judge: William P. Clark, Ronald Reagan's Top Hand

10/30/07  Rachel Stohl

Weapons of Individual Destruction: Understanding the Small Arms Trade

11/7/07  Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.

The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada

11/16/07  Mary Catherine Swanson

AVID: Advancement Via Individual Determination

11/27/07  Prof. Benjamin Jerry Cohen

America's Looming Foreign Debt

12/6/2007  Annual Holiday Luncheon

Speaker: Art Linkletter


1/11/2006  Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper, (Ret'd)

War Crimes in the 21st Century - Promoting the Rule of Law

1/24/2006  Rex Ziak

Author, The Lewis and Clark Bicentennial

2/7/2006  Ambassador Jack F. Matlock, Jr. (Ret'd)

From the Cold War to the War on Terrorism: What Has Changed?

2/22/2006  Judge Ruggero J. Aldisert

The Alito Hearing: A Witness Gives His View

3/1/2006  Walter Kohn, Ph.D.

The Power of the Sun

3/23/2006  James P. Owen

Cowboy Ethics: It's Not About the Hat and Boots

4/22/2006  General Tony Zinni (USMC Ret.)

The Battle for Peace: A Frontline Vision of America's Power and Purpose

5/11/2006  Lynn Scarlett, Ph.D.

Beyond Conflict: Managing America's Public Lands

5/18/2006  Noah Pickus, Ph.D.

Immigration Reform and the Politics of Citizenship

6/6/2006  Gary Winuk

Homeland Security for California

6/15/2006  Frederick W. Gluck

Providing Affordable Health Care

6/28/2006  Channel City Club's 60th Anniversary Kick-Off 

7/12/2006  Arthur Cyr, Ph.D.

U.S. Foreign Policy: In Trouble?

7/20/2006  USN Rear Admiral Len Hering, Sr.

Important Local Environmental Issues and the Future Direction of our Maritime Nation and Current Navy Policy

8/22/2006  Otis L. Graham, Jr., Ph.D.

Mass Immigration: Taking America Where It Doesn't Want to Go

9/7/2006  Jeff Henley

The New Rules: How Innovation and Globalization are changing the Game for Corporate America

9/28/2006  Alan Zelicoff, M.D.

Recognizing Global Pandemics - a Collaborative Challenge for the International Community

10/5/2006  Douglas Brinkley, Ph.D.

American Presidents as Commander and Chief: George Washington to George W. Bush

10/17/2006  Dan Taylor

The Parent Care Solution

10/23/2006  Barry C. Lynn

End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of the Global Corporation

11/2/2006  Admiral John B. Nathman, USN

Today's Navy: Ready and Relevant

11/29/2006  Henry D. Sokolski

Three Things We Should Do to Hedge against A Nuclear-Ready Iran

12/12/2006  Annual Holiday Program
Speaker:  Alessandra G. Ranghiasci

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